We want to serve as the global hub for sustainability,
inspiring and uniting individuals, organizations and societies
to join forces to achieve continuous innovation and transformation
within and across borders.ABLE consists of our seed fund ABLE Foundation,
which keeps an eye on the bigger picture, steering the movement in the right direction
and ABLE Lounge, the operationalizing flower, which takes concrete action,
by empowering and guiding people to transform
themselves and our society from within.
How is our ABLE vision connected to the bigger picture?
With our seat in the heart of Stockholm and our mission, we are perfectly equipped to be the steering hub for the national movement to implement the sustainable development goals, envisioned by the city of Stockholm to create ‘A Stockholm for everyone’ and the UN’s ‘Sustainable development goals’ in Sweden.
With its values and beliefs Sweden, once again, achieved the top position on the Cultural Map, published by the World Value Survey in 2015. Hence, it has the best preconditions to further lead the global movement by example.
This enABLEs us to become the global hub for joint forces operations across borders and take good practice out into the world.
What do we have to offer and which actions are we taking today to grant continuous sustainable development and achieve these goals?
We operate on different levels to achieve a coherent development:
The SDGs, otherwise known as the Global Goals, are the UN’s universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It is an appeal to organizations all over the world and of any size and nature to take on shared responsibility and showcase the implementation and the integration into everyday lives in various ways.
The WVS examines people's values and beliefs since the 1980's and shows that they are a critical factor for economic development, the emergence and development of democratic institutions, gender equality and effective governance of societies. Once again, the latest survey points out Sweden's leading position in terms of strong values regarding freedom of the individual, openness, tolerance and inclusion.
Many countries in the world are enjoying rapid economic growth, allowing them to steadily improve their living standards. Due to the immense global progress, the world can no longer be divided in ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries, but more accurately in 4 ‘world income levels’. Fortunately, an increasing number of the world’s population keeps advancing to the next highest income level, resulting in e.g. a continuous decline in poverty. This pleasing development entails new opportunities, however, also new challenges.
A long-term and established vision for Stockholm is needed to boost competitiveness and meet the needs of more residents, companies and visitors. Vision 2040 is a promise to all residents to grow in a sustainable way and make equal opportunities for everyone.
2000 years ago, in ancient Greece, democracy emerged as a result of people gathering at a third place, to address contemporary challenges and create a sustainable society. For a long period of time, the church was the main third place as the center of the village, until various other third places took its place.
There is a growing number of conscious world citizens, known as the ‘Cultural Creatives’ leading the revitalization movement around the globe and changing their societies from within. They are deeply concerned about planetary issues and are dedicated to sustainable thinking.
ABLE Lounge is the operational engine, which breaks down the visions into concrete actions. We empower and inspire people with a holistic approach to physical, mental and emotional well-being. We further guide people towards a sustainable lifestyle and a shared responsibility for a sustainable society.
Breakfast seminars with focus on sustainability
ABLE Foundation are, together with Clarion Sign Hotel and Sweco, Stockholm arranging seminars every other Monday called “A Sustainable Start” with focus on FN:s 17 global sustainability goals. Each seminar highlights one specific goal where experts and sustainability gurus are invited to guide and inspire us in finding ways to be more sustainable.
There is no coincidence that the seminars are held at Clarion Hotel Sign, as Norra Bantorget is now taking the step to become the most sustainable district in Stockholm and a role model for Sweden internationally.
Together we create a scene that hosts dialogues, transformation and change-initiatives embracing a holistic perspective to what sustainable life in the world of tomorrow means for individuals, for businesses and for the society at large. It is about integrating the quality of today’s urban lifestyle with a sustainable mindset.